Good afternoon, As we prepare to begin the school year learning at home, we want to make sure students have the basic tools they need to be successful — that means access to computers, internet service, and a CPS login. In partnership with Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and 35 community partners, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has already connected more than 18,000 students to high-speed

Dear CPS Families and Staff, CPS and the City of Chicago are surveying families to better understand who may need help this fall finding a safe space for their children during traditional school hours. As we assess parental needs throughout the city, we are evaluating opportunities to provide potential support with child supervision for families who have school-age children under 14 years of age.

CHICAGO – Boeing today awarded a $1.5 million charitable grant to support the expansion of technology access for approximately 4,500 Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students and 100 educators. The donation – which will fund the purchase of computer equipment and other remote learning technology, including headsets – will be directed through the Children First Fund (CFF), the independent partnership and philanthropy arm for Chicago Public Schools.